Friday, November 13, 2020

The Power of Deeds: Book Review by Ku Boon Dar

For the book review, please go to the following link:

Kajian Malaysia, Journal of Malaysian Studies, Volume 38, No. 2, 2020, 193–200.

Saturday, February 08, 2020

THE POWER of DEEDS: The Untold Story of Abdul Kadir Shamsuddin

A new publication is out:

THE POWER of DEEDS: The Untold Story of Abdul Kadir Shamsuddin

Sunday, July 12, 2015

BMT or Big Mail Transfer


Sending and receipt of Very Big sized mail attachments and related matters

Communication drives business historically, currently and in the future. Communication can be verbal, written or digital. As it becomes more expansive — and indispensable — every day, you need a solution to answer current and future challenges. Currently email communication has become a norm having replaced letters by post and courier. Email are normally quite secure and reliable in most cases. It is convenient fast and easily used to convey either short messages, small files as attachments and so forth. At times one needs to send big files as attachments in one of many formats. This is where the limitations of email communication comes into play. The attachments are limited in most dedicated email services unless one uses the publicly available emails. Here security is a big issue nay security is the issue.

Big Mail Transfer (BMT) is a powerful standalone email facility designed to tackle the issues of acceptable risk issues, size of transmission and management of email communication. It obviates the physical risk by placing the appliance in the data center of the client close to the email server itself. The emails are encrypted with two factor authentication with the link and password randomly generated for each sending of email.  

Founded on Emgraft’s groundbreaking Real-Time communication format, BFT provides a proactive way to send big sized email attachments without relying on public emails. It supports and facilitates the sending of huge emails without resorting to breaking up the mail in to small bits and parts, waiting for it to load up while your email is frozen, not knowing whether it has been sent and generally consuming you precious time. Whether we're protecting you from denial of receipt, or simply wasted resources, BMT from Emgraft Systems makes your life easier.

Combined with our reporting suite, real-time activity monitoring, acknowledgement receipt, time and place of download are criteria for a complete management report details. You can view and control the sending of huge emails. 

For huge emails to be sent to groups only one set of attachments will need  to be uploaded to the server and sent to the whole group. This conserves space in the server, and relieve sender from the tedious job of uploading for each recipient. A download receipt will be issued once the recipient downloads the attachment. Any non download will automatically be deleted after a chosen period of time (as set by the administration). Automation minimises manual intervention for sending each of large email attachments. Reports are generated after specific period as set by the management.

The functioning process of sending, receipt, and acknowledgement is also displayed through the dashboard that forms part of the system. Decision can get a quick turnaround on any issues that crop up as shown on the dashboard. If required more data can be assessed and acquired for more detailed analysis.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Skillar Associates

We provide consulting and contracting services in three main areas:

Human Resource Management Training & Consultancy :
  • Strategic Thinking & Management
  • Leadership (Public & Private Sectors, Communities)
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Train the Trainer
  • Management Skills Training
  • Entrepreneurship Skills Training & Development
  • Leadership & Motivational courses
Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) :
  • Comprehensive System Integration (CSI)
    • Planning & Assesment
    • Design & Implementation
    • Security Infrastructure
    • Identity & Access Management
    • Risk Management Intrusion Detection
    • Network Infrastructure & Vulnerability Management
  • System Support & Maintenance
  • Embedded & Real Time Control Systems (ERTCS) Design
  • Electronic Equipment Repair and Calibration
  • Community Computing & ICT Community Integration
Medical & Healthcare :
  • Consulting services in hospital & medical clinic management
  • Health education & promotion

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wael Ghonim and Egypt's New Age Revolution has proven again the power of social networking; see:

In year 1999 we have said that governments and civil society must harness the power of ICTs through social networking in pursuing positive development goals.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Power of Online Social Networking

This article in The New York Times is an interesting read:

"The Media Equation: 

Many of us are familiar with some of the popular social networks like Facebook, Friendster and Geni. Many local communities and interest groups in Malaysia have also developed their own online social networks. In "Bridging the Digital Divide" initiatives by the Government - the pilot projects as described in posts on this blog, namely Taninet, Infodesa and e-Wargakota , the initial promoters had initiated and demonstrated the benefits of social networking which could be promoted among the marginalised sections of our society. Unfortunately, these efforts were not continued nor further developed by the powers that be who are responsible for the continuation or roll-out of the projects. 

Monday, August 11, 2008

Development of Telecentres in Malaysia

There are numerous telecentres, totaling more than 1500 telecentres throughout Malaysia, some being developed by the government, others by NGOs and private ventures. The Federal and some State Governments have and will continue spending big sums of money in setting up community telecentres, some costing up to more than RM300,000.00 each. These monies are well spent if the telecentres are being optimally utilised by the people and bring in development for members and the communities at large.

Unfortunately, independent studies and even cursory evaluation when one visits some of the telecentres show that many such centres are not properly or optimally being used by the communities they are supposed to cater for. There are solutions to this issue, but it needs concerted effort and serious commitment from the powers that be.

The above chart illustrates what can be achieved by proper planning and action on telecentre development. 
For detailed discussion please contact this writer.

ICT Applications: Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

Many organisations, in both government/public sector and commerce/private sectors are not aware or do not understand that there are many simpler solutions to some of their more complex problems in their day-to-day business processes with the use of ICTs. Thus, large sums of monies are spent on underutilised hardwares and softwares, resulting in inefficiencies and waste of resources.

Reference to the Malaysian experience, often there are mismatch between users and technology solution providers. Some leaders and personnel of organisations are unaware of local expertise in the country that can provide relatively inexpensive solutions; and on the other hand many technology solution providers lack the particular knowledge or experience to fully understand specific needs and requirements of organisations. Much needs to be done by all relevant parties to address this.

Malaysian Government and business corporations need to have more faith and provide opportunities and support to Malaysian ICT SMEs. There will be a win-all situation, and this will be in line with the Government's efforts for home grown ICT SMEs to expand locally and globaly.

Some experience and research done pertaining to this issue by this writer may be shared with interested parties.